Promoting Art Online and How Canvas Cultures Can Help
Being an artist is hard work. To be successful, you need to worry about having a consistent output, developing a dedicated following, dealing with manufacturing, and keeping social media up to date on everything you do. On top of that, you need to make sure that you’re always producing high-quality art. It’s a difficult lifestyle, especially if you’re working on your own.
Most artists don’t know about all the business know-how that goes into being a successful artist when they’re starting out. It’s something that most people don’t expect, especially in a world where so many artists just show the side of them making art, making money, and living joyfully. The reality is, sadly, it’s not that easy.
Often, the biggest difference between success and failure as an artist is your ability to market yourself and your art on a larger scale. Getting more people to see your work is usually how you get out into the world and start making money off of what you create. But even that is difficult; it can take months, years, and even decades to build up enough of a following to support yourself from the ground up. It’s hard work and not usually what most artists signed up to do.
That’s where Canvas Cultures comes in. We saw the world as it was for visual artists and decided that instead of watching them struggle, we wanted to be the change for these artists. We are made up of people who have spent years working on boosting people’s incomes through taking the more nitty-gritty business aspects of art and running with them so that the artists only need to worry about creating the best art that they can. It’s a win-win situation, where the artist gets a wider following, and we get to promote their incredible art. Here’s how that works.
The Cost of Promoting Your Art
In this day and age, it seems like promoting your art should be easy, right? In the almost entirely online world that we live in with social media platforms galore, posting yourself and your art is easier than ever. But because of that, it’s harder than ever to stand out. There are hundreds of thousands of artists in the world, all competing with one another for a special spot in someone’s art collection, house, or workspace. No matter how good your art is, it’s difficult to push through the massive wall of familiarity and into people’s consciousness.
If you want to push through the massive amount of artists on social media, you need to do something that will help you to stand out from the crowd. This can be done in one of two ways: either organically or through advertising.
If you want to stand out on social media organically, that means increasing both your output and the quality of your posts. This means you’ll want to post often and always put up the best quality material possible that works with your target audience. A lot of the time, this means putting a considerable amount of hours every week into creating high-quality content at a high rate. It definitely isn’t impossible and is something that you can learn how to do, but consistently making posts that will benefit you will take some considerable work.
The other way you can break out of the crowd on social media is by paying your way through advertising. This doesn’t mean buying followers on any account because those are going to be fake followers who aren’t going to be buying any of your products, thus negating the whole reason you want followers. This means advertising your posts to other people’s feeds through Instagram and other advertising services. This is a way to get more followers, and though it will definitely cost you money, it’s also likely to get you results.
A much better way to increase your notoriety is to work with Canvas Cultures! As a company, our main goal is to empower artists worldwide. We already have a large platform with a fairly selective roster of artists, and so those artists that do make it onto our platform are likely to stand out.
We work on promoting, advertising, and increasing the commercial viability and visibility of your art every day, and we do it in a way that doesn’t cost you time and will give you more customers and income than before. It’s an incredibly helpful and artist-oriented way to get your work out there and into the hands of the people who will love it.
The Cost of Manufacturing Your Art
Another reason that Canvas Cultures is such a good platform for real artists is that it focuses on helping the social and visible aspects of being an artist and the more behind-the-scenes and business side of creating art.
If you’re going to be an artist on your own, you’re going to constantly be dealing with the manufacturing, distribution, and creation of your own artwork. That means that you’re going to need to either be recreating your own work every time someone buys something from you, or you’ll have to outsource your work to another company to be printing your artwork for you. What it comes down to is either spending lots of your time or lots of your money with the possibility of also losing out on substantial amounts of quality.
When you’re working with another company to print your artwork on a consistent basis, they are likely going to be very expensive. Even after that, they might produce copies and replicas that are of a lower quality than you’d like. At the end of the day, print-on-demand companies are a business, and they want to make money too. Your profit margins are likely going to be small, and that in and of itself is going to make it harder for you as an artist to sustain your business. That doesn’t mean that these are bad companies. It just means that they might not be the best for you.
Again, this is where Canvas Cultures comes in, as a company founded by people who have been there before. As a business, we take care of all of the distribution and manufacturing that comes along with being an artist. We use the highest quality materials to create the highest quality products. Every canvas that we make is ensured to be of the highest quality, or else we aren’t satisfied with it.
We want you to be proud of the work that you do and proud of what people are putting in their houses. All of our canvases are made in-house by professionals that we know and trust, and so you can be sure that every print of your artwork is going to be of the highest quality and even made to museum standards.
When it comes to distribution, we take care of all of that too. Every canvas comes from our own warehouses and people, so you don’t need to worry about inventory, overstocking, returns, or anything of that nature. We have professionals taking care of every step of that process, ensuring that you, the artist, don’t need to worry about any of it.
Canvas Culture’s Vision
The point of all of this is that we as a company want to see artists be empowered. It’s a hard and often unstable life being an artist, and it’s definitely not easy. As artists ourselves, we know that it can often be overwhelming. Nobody wants to be unstable, insecure, or unable to pay their bills. We’ve been there, and we want to make sure that artists all around the world can find new ways to make money and get their art in the hands of others and then money back in their hands.
The whole promotion, production, manufacturing, and distribution process can be very draining. That’s why it’s our goal to take those difficult tasks off of the artist’s hands and let them just focus on creating incredible, high-quality art. We want to take the difficult, confusing, and risky parts of being an artist and use our resources to turn the art into something that can be seen by countless people all around the world.
Our website is full of tons of independent artists and their pieces, and we’re always looking for more artists to join their ranks. If you’re an independent artist who has been looking for more places to share their art, please take a look at our page on becoming an artist! We’d love to hear from you and see what’s next in your career as an artist. Pull together your best pieces and send them our way; hopefully, you’ll find a home here in the Canvas Cultures family!
How To Balance Full Time Work With Creative Projects | The Creative Independent