These 4 Art Canvases Make the Perfect Anniversary Gifts for Her
Your anniversary is one of the most important things to celebrate. It’s an event that looks back on the past and gives you an excuse to remember all the good times that have already occurred. Chiefly, it’s the way that couples can look back on their time together and celebrate all that has been done.
The longer that the couple has been together, the more glory and excitement that comes with the anniversary. These dates tend to grow more and more important as time goes on, and it’s important to make sure that these dates worth celebrating are acknowledged in a way that shows one’s priorities.
Anniversary gifts are a great way to show how much a person matters to you. They’re an acknowledgement of things that happened in the past and a hopeful celebration of the future yet to come. These gifts can often be nostalgic memories of the past or hopeful anticipations of the future. Either way, anniversary gifts have become a bit of a tradition as time has gone on.
When picking an anniversary gift, it is important to show the person that you care. This means finding gifts that really matter to people and gifting them in a meaningful way. The gifts that you choose have to be based on the relationship you share with a person, recognizing the importance of who they are to you.
Often, the best way to do this is through the gifting of art. Art is a gift that keeps on giving and often gets even better as time goes on. The following canvas prints are excellent examples of things that your anniversary partner may appreciate. Whether it’s a girlfriend, wife, or anything else, these canvas prints are sure to leave a lasting impression of intentionality and love on them!
1. No Place, by Melting Waves
Everyone knows that there’s no place like home. Many people think of the concept of home being the same as a house, but the reality is, home is where the people you love are. And even more than that, homes tend to be the people themselves. Home isn’t just a physical location, but rather, it’s a feeling that people can give you.
This is especially true when it comes to long-term relationships. When it’s an anniversary that is celebrating a long history together, it is time to let the person know how much they feel like home to you. That relationship is what ties you together, not just a house or a city or a location. As relationships get longer and people grow closer, they tend to find a home within each other instead of inside of just a place.
There really is nowhere that can, on its own, bring a person that special feeling that home really creates. Don’t forget to let people that matter to you know that they are home, more than anything else. This brilliantly designed canvas is amazing at just that and can remind you and your significant other that home is where you belong; with each other.
2. Cookin’ With Love, by Aaron Williams
Food is the gateway into almost anyone’s heart. There are few things as satisfying and fulfilling as a home-cooked meal, especially if it’s created by a significant other. These meals are the most delicious and amazing food that most people will ever eat, simply because the magic ingredient of love is inside of every dish!
There are also countless scientifically proven reasons why home-cooked meals are so important, but it’s important to remember that if we’re all being honest with ourselves, the reason why these meals are so good is definitely because of the magic.
The quality of the food alone isn’t the only exciting thing about a homemade meal. The fact that it can be created together with someone is another thrilling and heartwarming part of making food. Any couple can get together and make whatever they know how to, and they can appreciate the magical sense of community that making food creates. Food is something that people can come around and appreciate together in a way that is loving and sweet.
The longer that a couple is together, the longer that they have to consume more meals together. This can be done in countless different ways, but the very best meals tend to be those that they make together or make for one another. You or your partner have probably said, “What’s cooking?” countless times, and this piece pays tribute to that. It’s a sweet and heartwarming part of being in a relationship, and it's something that works incredibly well on a sign. This canvas is an incredible expression of this simple but beautiful question in action.
3. Family Love, by Shelly Bombshell
Families are found in all sorts of places, and many don’t have to come from people who are genetically related. Family shows up at work, at places of worship, at school, and countless other places where other people are. The most important thing is that there are other people there. A family is a composition of different people all together, and that is the most important part.
A long-lasting and intimate relationship between two people can easily turn them into a family. The connection and bond between two people turn into something that is greater than just the sum of their parts, and they can enter into a new step of life together. Because fundamentally, families stick together. That joint bond and commitment to sticking together help people feel trust and connection in their relationships, bringing massive amounts of joy to people’s lives.
Even though there are so many families in the world, there are no families that are totally alike. When you’re with your family, self-chosen or otherwise, you don’t need to hold up a mask about who you truly are, and you can be your real self, no matter how crazy that might be. Being in a family is one of the most freeing and enabling things that a person can do. That vulnerability is what creates such incredible amounts of love. This canvas is a gorgeous design that speaks to the incredible value that families can bring to the people within them.
4. Rock N Roll, by Bart Cooper
One of the most unifying things in the world is music. It often pulls people together and exposes vulnerability in a way that way other art forms or activities can. It’s the exposition of a person’s heart, allowing people to relate to the music, as well as seek to find the meaning of the songs in their own lives.
Music is such an incredible gift that people get to experience on their own, but more importantly, together. The magic that comes with creating and listening to music with other people is second to none.
That’s the beautiful thing about rock and roll. Its intensity can range almost anywhere, allowing listeners to feel seen and recognized by the world. It’s one of the most prevalent genres of music of all time, and over its decades-long history, it has bound people together. There are tons of different songs that people have made their own and chosen to be the song that binds them together. From soulful and sweet tunes from the sixties to the hard-rocking energy of the eighties, there are countless ways and places that music has changed the lives of people.
This canvas illustrates the love and bond that music creates. Often, it is through the intensity and fire that people come together in new ways, and that is how the families that people create grow so tight and meaningful. Music binds together different hearts, allowing them to truly come together in new ways. It’s so important to recognize the magic that is created by music and lean into the way that it affects people’s daily lives.
On your anniversary, celebrate the songs, artists, and albums that have brought your relationship closer over the months, years, and decades of your relationship. The power of love and music are closely intertwined.
Anniversary Gifts By Year: Traditional and Modern Themes | The Knot